Pivotal 2 Study of RGX-314 Gene Therapy in Participants With nAMD

Brief summary

RGX-314 is being developed as a novel one-time gene therapy for the treatment of neovascular (wet) age-related macular degeneration (wet AMD). Wet AMD is characterized by loss of vision due to new, leaky blood vessel formation in the retina. Wet AMD is a significant cause of vision loss in the United States, Europe and Japan, with up to 2 million people living with wet AMD in these geographies alone. Current anti-VEGF therapies have significantly changed the landscape for treatment of wet AMD, becoming the standard of care due to their ability to prevent progression of vision loss in the majority of patients. These therapies, however, require life-long intraocular injections, typically repeated every four to 12 weeks in frequency, to maintain efficacy. Due to the burden of treatment, patients often experience a decline in vision with reduced frequency of treatment over time. RGX-314 is being developed as a potential one-time treatment for wet AMD.

Interventional study

Wet Age-related Macular Degeneration
465 patients
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
Protocol ID:
Intervention model:
Parallel Assignment
Single (Participant)

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alert image Please note, participation in the clinical trial is open to patients with the disease or condition under investigation.
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Eligibility criteria

Participant attributes:
Male and Female


From 50 Years to 89 Years.

Inclusion Criteria:

1. Age ≥ 50 years and ≤ 89 years

2. An ETDRS BCVA letter score between ≤ 78 and ≥ 40 in the study eye

3. Diagnosis of subfoveal CNV secondary to AMD in the study eye previously treated with

4. Must be pseudophakic (at least 12 weeks postcataract surgery) in the study eye.

5. Willing and able to provide written, signed informed consent for this study

6. Participants must have demonstrated a meaningful response to anti-VEGF therapy at
study entry

Exclusion Criteria:

1. CNV or macular edema in the study eye secondary to any causes other than AMD

2. Subfoveal fibrosis or atrophy in the study eye

3. Any condition in the investigator's opinion that could limit VA improvement in the
study eye

4. Active or history of retinal detachment or current retinal tear in the study eye

5. Advanced glaucoma or history of secondary glaucoma in the study eye

6. Myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular accident, or transient ischemic attach within
the past 6 months.

7. History of intraocular surgery in the study eye within 12 weeks prior to Screening
Visit 1

8. History of intravitreal therapy in the study eye, such as intravitreal steroid
injection or investigational product, other than anti-VEGF therapy, in the 6 months
prior to Screening Visit 1.

9. Prior treatment with gene therapy.

All the cities where the clinical studies are located

Québec - G1S 4L8

